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2024-09-23 05:24:08 阅读(46) 悠嘻资讯网
100 potatoes怎么读(potatoes怎么读英语)-悠嘻资讯网

586th article第586期双语推文


As the saying goes, harvest in autumn, and store grain in winter. It's time to eat sweet potatoes. Sweet potatoes take pride of place in the vegetable markets of Zhengzhou. With sweet and soft taste, or with a chestnut flavor and less fiber, this kind of sweet potato is deeply loved by Zhengzhou people.



Photo: Ma Jian

Huayuankou has a flat landscape and a geological structure of alluvial and diluvial sediments from Yellow River floods in previous years. The soil is mainly red sandy loam with high organic matter and nutrient content and rich mineral and trace elements. Moreover, the local temperature fluctuation between day and night is big, so it is very suitable for cultivating sweet potatoes. The Huayuankou sweet potato agricultural area is located on the nearby flood plain of the Yellow River. It stretches from the Chengzhuang Village in Guxing Town in the west to Shenzhuang Village in Huayuankou Town in the east, connects the southern embankment of the Yellow River in the south, and faces Yuanyang County and Wuzhi County in the north across the Yellow River.


Huayuankou has a long history of planting sweet potatoes. According to the Food Records of Henan Province: During the Reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Henan suffered from severe drought and poor harvests. Characterized by resistance to drought and barren soil, sweet potatoes were introduced from Fujian to Zhuxian Town in Kaifeng and Huayuankou south of the Yellow River, where they were planted in summer and harvested in autumn. One season's harvest could be worth half a year's grain.


Sweet potatoes were widely planted in the Yellow River area of Zhengzhou from 1840 to 1949. By 1949, when the People's Republic of China was founded, the planting area in the whole area had reached uv 7,300 mu (1 mu=666.7 square meters). Sweet potatoes had been the staple food for people along the Yellow River until the 1960s and 1970s. There's a saying among the peasants, "A year's harvest of sweet potatoes equals half a year of grain, and sweet potatoes are the sustenance of farmers."


As people's living standard improves, the demand for green and healthy food keeps on growing. At present, the planting area of sweet potatoes on the banks of the Yellow River has uv reached 20,000 mu (1mu=666.7 square meters).


The Yellow River floodplain has an excellent environment with little pollution of the water source, soil and atmosphere. The unique climate has created ideal conditions for the growth of high-quality sweet potatoes, resulting in good appearance, pure taste and moderate starch quality. In 2011, Huayuankou comsweet potatoes were identified by a geographical indication.



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Chief Planner丨Shi Dadong

Managing Editor丨Xiong Vivi

Text丨Zhang Hua

Art Editor丨Wang Xiaoyu

Trainee Editor丨Xu Hanyu

Proofreader丨S. Jones(南非)




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